By adminaff212
UCLA Facta Class Action
- Claims forms can be filed online or sent in via mail
- Settlement Administrator can be contacted for help
Having a credit or debit card visible when taking it out to make a transaction is enough to make some consumers a bit nervous. When more than the last 5 digits of a card number are printed on a receipt for all to see it stands to reason that cardholders can go from just being a little nervous to outright ALARMED. The lawsuit titled Cindy Fernandez et al. v. The Regents of the University of California has recently come to settlement terms in order to resolve allegations that UCLA (the Defendant) printed more than the last 5 digits of customer card numbers on receipts in violation of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act. It is very important to point out that the Defendant has denied liability, advanced defenses, and disputes the factual AND legal allegations brought forth in the suit. Regardless of the stances taken by the parties involved, appears that a decision on who is right and who is wrong will never be decided by the court due to the previously discussed pending settlement of the matter. Those who believe they are eligible to receive payment can file a claim by going to the UCLA FACTA Class Action page and clicking the File a Claim tab.
Very interesting indeed. Anything else I need to know?
- Receipts must have been printed between February 10th, 2012 and October 10th, 2016
- The overall settlement is broken into 2 different Subclasses (Subclass A and Subclass B)
- Claims, Exclusions, AND Objections must be filed by the September 7th, 2017 deadline
- The Fairness Hearing to decide whether or not to approve is set for October 27th, 2017
Those who like the idea of impressing the court with their top-notch orating abilities may want to consider asking to speak at the Fairness Hearing (currently scheduled for 9 AM). Class Members who sit idly by and take no action whatsoever will receive absolutely nothing from the settlement and lose the right to a separate lawsuit. Those with questions can try reviewing the FAQs at the UCLA FACTA Class action page. If the answers aren’t found in the FAQs it may be a good idea to reach out directly to the Settlement Administrator.
Settlement Administrator Contact Information
- PO Box 3614, Minneapolis, MN 55403-0614
- 888-526-4519
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